TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suusstataininaabbiliiltiy pty plalan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarirs 2is 200224 4 OOlylymmppic aic annd Pd Paararalylymmppic Gic Gaammees s — 1— 111 Mes sag e fr GE om OR GINA GRENON AL ONMENT ENVIR OR T C CELLENCE DIRE EX © Rudy Waks We decided to seize the Paris 2024 mode of transport; it uses the food we Olympic and Paralympic Games as an eat as a source of fuel; it makes us realise opportunity to combat and adapt the importance of getting fresh air; to climate change and address the urgent and it is a form of entertainment that need to protect and regenerate biodiversity. enables people to create memories This sincere, firm commitment has guided around a common experience rather us and united everyone involved than limitless consumption. in the Games and the sporting movement since the bid phase. Sport brings together 3.5 million volunteers ything er e ev e hav W in France, evokes a range of unique e o ensur e need t w emotions with 2.5 million events taking es 4 contribut 02 aris 2 P place every year and showcases its al onment o the envir positive impact on society day in, day out t ormation ansf across the 180,000 sports clubs tr d of sport orl nationwide that promote education, of the w integration, gender equality and cohesion. However, the world of sport – like all other spheres of human activity and parts by ensuring we set our own benchmark, of society – needs to undergo accelerating the roll-out of innovative an environmental transformation. solutions for spectacular and sustainable Moreover, we firmly believe that sport events, as well as working with can be harnessed to build a more everybody in the Paris 2024 family sustainable society in which people so that our methods and achievements demonstrate greater solidarity and are leave a tangible and intangible legacy. more mindful of nature and biodiversity. This plan is the result of the work Sport enables us to take in the beauty undertaken by everyone involved of our surroundings and understand in Paris 2024 since the bid phase why we need to protect the environment; and highlights the distance we still have it offers an excellent pollution-free to travel together.

Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 11 Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan Page 10 Page 12