The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 32 PRE-GAMES TRAINING CAMPS: ENSURING REGIONAL INVOLVEMENT AND A REGIONAL LEGACY As soon as the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic From local authorities’ point of view, hosting Games are over, athletes from all over the world a Pre-Games Training Camp can help make their will be able to find their bearings in one area more attractive. For sports clubs, it’s an of the 619 facilities selected as Pre-Games opportunity to benefit from the development, Training Camps across 415 locations bearing renovation and construction of sports facilities. the “Terre de Jeux” label. High-quality sports And local residents get a chance to learn more facilities and host services were selected to host about a particular sport, country or culture. the athletes in top-class surroundings. The Pre-Games Training Camps help guarantee The Pre-Games Training Camps are effective the Games’ lasting regional legacy for local support bases that enable athletes to soak up authorities, residents and the sporting movement. the atmosphere in the host country and start their The French State, through the National Sports journey to the Games up to three years before the Agency, will allocate a budget of €20 million to big event kicks off, playing a key role not only renovate facilities hosting Pre-Games Training in athletes’ preparation, but also the involvement Camps. of regions and local sports clubs. UET ANG T ONY ES T The Pre-Games Training Camps constitute another opportunity to recall the national scope of the Paris 2024 Games. No fewer than 415 local authorities throughout France might host and support international delegations preparing for the Games. We are committed to getting all of France and all its citizens involved in the Paris 2024 Games. All areas – from the largest region to the smallest town – can take part in our project, which gives everybody the opportunity to join in the Games experience right away and continue to enjoy the celebration for many years to come. THE MAIN TRAINING CENTRES RENOVATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES The sports facilities set to be used for the Games authorities will renovate existing facilities include a certain number of training centres so that athletes can prepare for the events in Seine-Saint-Denis and working-class and local residents can exercise in high quality neighbourhoods in Paris. As part of an impact facilities before and after the Games. reduction approach to the Games, local

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