The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 33 INITIATIVES ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES • The Guy Moquet sports hall in Aubervilliers to practise sports, particularly gymnastics. is a multisports facility that will be renovated, • The Max Rousié sports centre, located extended and upgraded to bring it in line in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, will be with standards for the benefit of people renovated for the Games. It will be used as living in the area. a training site for judo during the Games. • The Auguste Delaune sports complex After the Games, a fully accessible, optimised will be redeveloped for the Games. It will sports centre will be given back to the local be used as a training facility for Olympic area for residents to enjoy a range of sports. and Paralympic athletics during the Games. th The project will bring the complex up to • The Dauvin sports centre, located in the 18 standards, particularly in terms of accessibility. arrondissement of Paris, will be renovated for the Games and used as a training facility • The Saint-Denis Palais des Sports facility for modern pentathlon athletes during will be redeveloped for the Games. It will be the event. An upgraded pool complex used as a training site for volleyball during and a renovated athletics track will be left the Games. The facility will be brought up behind as a legacy. to standards in terms of accessibility and • The Poissonniers sports centre located safety and include a sports medicine area. th in the 18 arrondissement of Paris will be • The Île des Vannes sports complex, located renovated and used as a training facility f at the south of Île Saint Denis, is currently or volleyball during the Games. After closed and needs to be renovated. The the Games, local residents will enjoy complex, particularly the central Grande Nef a renovated, fully accessible sports centre space and the athletics track, will be used as that is more energy efficient. training centres during the Games. • The Vallerey swimming pool located th • The Pablo Neruda sports hall is a sports in the 20 arrondissement of Paris will be facility in Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine. At its renovated for the Games. It will be used handover, the sports hall will be used as a training facility by Paralympic exclusively for athletes to train. After swimmers during the Games. After the Games, the Games, a larger, more accessible sports local residents will enjoy a pool that meets hall will be given back to the community standards for safety and accessibility for clubs, associations and school groups and boasts a renovated glass roof.

Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 33 Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan Page 32 Page 34