The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 60 ENSURING THE GAMES ARE INCLUSIVE AND ACCESSIBLE TO EVERYONE At the Games in London in 2012, women took a completely inclusive and interactive part in all sports on the Olympic programme experience. Inclusion, equality and universal for the first time. In addition, the principle design will be at the core of every project of gender equality was incorporated right from related to the Games and their organisation, the recruitment of organising committee staff. right from the planning stage. And in Rio in 2016, clear measures were In preparation for the Games, the organising implemented to call out any instances of abuse committee and its stakeholders decided or harassment. For the Tokyo Games, the event to accelerate their various initiatives and make programme was modified to ensure equal collective commitments to: representation of female and male participants. • deliver an edition of the Games that can be In all their different iterations, the Games have made it possible to launch and step up gender held up as an inspiring example along with equality initiatives, acting as a trailblazer other major sporting events in terms of gender for other major sporting events. In 2024, there equality; will be total gender equality among the 10,500 • encourage diversity in sports and professions; Olympic athletes that qualify – for the first time • improve the provision of universal accessibility; in the Games’ history. Organising the Games also accelerates • improve access to sport for people with collective progress in terms of accessibility disabilities; and inclusion. The visibility and scale • contribute to greater inclusion of people with of the Games offers us a shared schedule to set disabilities. ambitious aims to improve accessibility. Local and regional authorities and organisations For example, London 2012 revealed the impressive in the sporting movement will be able to take ability of major events to change public part in the Paris 2024 Games by obtaining the attitudes towards disabilities. “Terre de Jeux 2024” label, which will act as an The Paris 2024 Games and their delivery will be additional tool to drive progress all over France. Paris City Council adopted its “Making • Harnessing the Games to improve Paris more inclusive with the Games” accessibility in Paris action plan to get ready to host the • Harnessing the Games to advance and Paralympic Games and optimise the develop parasports in Paris legacy left behind by the Paris 2024 Games for people with disabilities. • Harnessing the Games to enable people living with disabilities to play The plan focuses on three key areas: a greater role in public life

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