The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 59 AN INITIATIVE ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES FROM THE STADIUM TO EMPLOYMENT: NEW FORMS OF RECRUITMENT Paris 2024, the French Athletics Federation bodies (led by Pôle emploi) and the sporting (FFA) and Pôle emploi joined forces to offer movement. Furthermore, it will make use a new form of job dating in an athletics of innovative recruitment tools to fill a large stadium. This innovative programme, “From number of jobs linked to the Games – starting the Stadium to Employment”, was created with roles within the organising committee at regional level in 2019 but Paris 2024 took and at partner marketing companies with 16 it national, with around 50 dates planned . a strong interest in the capacity of such In collaboration with the FFA and the Greater an event to draw unusual applications, Paris Athletics League, the Greater Paris as well as the opportunity to showcase their regional authorities decided to partner with employer brand and make their professions Pôle emploi Île-de-France and Paris 2024 more appealing. Lastly, public health conditions to roll out 13 programme-related initiatives permitting, the companies working in the coming years. on the Games can also recruit in the stadiums, including in Seine-Saint-Denis and Paris. The initiative involves harnessing sport to create shared moments where jobseekers can demonstrate their expertise, social and professional skills and attitudes to recruiters before embarking on interviews. It therefore aims to facilitate the recruitment of the long term unemployed with an innovative tool that focuses on highlighting applicants’ interpersonal skills. Its effectiveness has already been proven, with 50% of participants back in work or enrolled in training programmes leading to qualifications. On average, around 40% of attendees at classic job dating events achieve positive outcomes. Building on the results of its initial trials, this type of initiative – with sport revealing job applicants’ skills – will be deployed throughout France. It could receive financial support from the Paris 2024 endowment fund and be promoted among public employment © – CASSE Simon 16. Due to the hygiene measures applied throughout 2020, the organisers had to postpone around 40 of those dates to 2021.

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