TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s —— 67 67 The results of the study are worrying: or who come from a low-income household relative • 66% of 11- to 17-year-olds do not achieve the to the number of members, as well as in older physical activity guideline of 60 minutes a day and teenagers (15- to 17-year-olds). Additionally, do not meet the sedentary behaviour guideline physical activity levels are lower in 11- to 14 year-old of less than 2 hours a day. The health of almost two girls than boys their age. thirds of children and teenagers is therefore at risk. • 17% of this population are particularly at risk, These levels justify strengthening as they have both the highest levels of physical comprehensive preventive actions that inactivity (with less than 20 minutes of physical combat both sedentary behaviour and activity a day) and the highest levels of sedentary physical inactivity: behaviour (over 4.5 hours of screen time a day). • Actions aimed at older teenagers or those with the • Children’s age and sex, as well as the level lowest social standing must be prioritised to combat of education of their parent or guardian are the sedentary behaviour. main explanatory variables: there are higher levels • When promoting physical activity, actions aimed of sedentary behaviour in young people whose at girls must be prioritised, for instance by raising parent or guardian has a low level of education awareness among their parents and educators. SEDENTARY LIFESTYLES POSE A SERIOUS PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEM Organising the Games gives us a unique a transversal approach to ensure physical opportunity to make everybody aware of these activity and sport are recognised as a public alarming observations and help them to move health tool and play a more prominent role more. Paris 2024 is committed to raising awareness in society, focusing on two main goals: among and convincing people – particularly young 1. Make people want to move more by leading people and people who are not involved in sport – an inspiring discourse on the challenges of the importance of becoming more physically of combating sedentary behaviour active throughout the day. and promoting physical activity and sport Paris 2024 has devised a strategy in collaboration 2. Create opportunities for people to move more with several experts (including doctors, sports through an engagement platform enabling instructors and teachers) and is adopting everybody to play an active role at their level

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