The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 68 AMBITIONS AND INITIATIVES Paris 2024 seeks to support and celebrate throughout the day. everyone who, in some shape or form, helps This approach provides a wide range of choices people access physical activity and sport in that make it as easy and natural as possible organised or informal settings, including for people to increase their activity levels. The first athletes, teachers (particularly primary school step is to change people’s perception of sport and PE teachers), sports instructors, doctors, and physical activity and provide support HR managers, urban planners and elected and activities that meet expectations. representatives. This approach also promotes the expansion France boasts a sporting movement that of active mobility, which has health and is committed to all sports throughout the country. environmental benefits. Active forms of mobility With the initiatives and commitment of all (walking, running, cycling, etc.) benefit both these stakeholders, particularly local sports individuals and the environment, reducing clubs, we will succeed in introducing more greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants linked sport at school, at work and in urban areas to vehicle use. INITIATIVES LAUNCHED PILLARS OBJECTIVES SUB-OBJECTIVES OR ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES Encourage and support the 1. School lessons that lend development of active schools themselves to physical activity 2. Physical training for workers INCREASE on Games construction sites PARTICIPATION 3. Action cards to highlight IN SPORT AND exemplary local initiatives PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Encourage and support the 4. Emphasis on cycling skills EVERYWHERE – development of active companies and active mobility IN URBAN AREAS, 5. Course to train doctors and AT SCHOOL AND sports clubs in exercise prescriptions AT WORK Sport to improve Encourage and support the 6. The framework for physical health development of active urban areas activity and sport in Plaine Commune Improve access to sport for people 7. Course to train clubs how with disabilities to accommodate people with ENCOURAGE disabilities PEOPLE NOT 8. Sporty Parisians INVOLVED IN SPORT TO TAKE IT UP Encourage females, particularly 9. 24 Sites in 24 Urban Areas teenagers, to take part in sport

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