The LPlaen Hgaécry aitange ed Sut Dstuarinaabbiliitlié dty pels Jan feuox Or thle Pymapriiqs 2ue0s 2 4 Oet Plymapraic alymnpd Piquaeras dlyme Ppaic Gris 2a0m2e4 s — 5— 566 Thirdly, the analysis enables professional identified. integration bodies and public employment services to get themselves organised to prepare people in occupational integration for It will be updated to reflect changes in the the training and employment opportunities economic, social and health landscape. Key Business Construction Sector-specific technical administration management professions Metalworking Worksite and business and mechanics management professions Finishing work Cross-sectoral technical professions Maintenance Logistics and transport Structural work Other Public work and concrete work Construction Construction-related machinery operation studies, design and measurement Extracts from the job analysis So that the Games truly benefit as many people agencies, industries, trade unions and professional as possible, particularly those in long-term training bodies – to bring about long-term support unemployment, Paris 2024 has committed systems. to work alongside a number of employment The priority projects for Paris 2024 and its and occupational integration bodies – the stakeholders in terms of employment and skills French State (the Ministry of Labour and the development are: regional prefecture), Paris City Council, the Greater Paris regional authorities, Marseille City 1. Structuring and expanding sectors Council, the Seine-Saint-Denis departmental and professions needed to host the Games council, combined authorities (Plaine Commune, 2. Developing the professional skills of local Paris Terres d’Envol, Grand Paris Grand Est residents and providing targeted support to and Est Ensemble), local public employment jobseekers and people in work before the Games.

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