The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 119 Paris 2024 is therefore working to create result in 2020 will be incorporated. In addition to helping and impact indicators for each objective of the legacy measure the impact of the Games, it will also be used and sustainability strategy by the Tokyo Games. as a monitoring tool to ensure that the support Once these indicators have been defined, they will provided by the endowment fund is distributed fairly be sustained and monitored through a number among different regions and themes. of additional processes: • A protocol to measure social impact that, using the data collected by the inventory tool, will measure • An inventory tool funded collectively with Paris City the results and their social impact and highlight the Council and the CNOSF, which will enable Paris 2024 contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. to centralise, describe and monitor the progress of its • Research work to provide different perspectives and actions and those taken by all of its stakeholders help scientifically assess the social impact of sport. and the contributors to the legacy and sustainability For instance, in 2019 a study on the barriers to and strategy, particularly those chosen by Paris 2024 instruments of sports participation was conducted as part of its endowment fund. The service provider by a research lab for Paris 2024, making it possible has already been chosen and the tool will be operational to identify priority projects and kick-start the initiative from 2021. All stakeholders will be involved in its to create parasports departments and train sports club set-up and roll-out and any projects embarked on leaders and coaches from 2020. All of this work is part of an unprecedented and Paralympic Games on France and, more approach that will be managed by a committee specifically, the host regions, while taking that appraises the endowment fund. Made up account of the legacy and support policies of national and international experts, it will aim planned by all administrations. to supervise impact measurement The nature and method of these studies have and assessment, make them part of related not yet been clearly established; however, international efforts and define an annual road 13 areas have been identified as priorities map. Its members and duties are set by a preliminary working group, focusing to be outlined in the first half of 2021. on sport, the economy, society, the environment, In addition to and in line with the social impact technology and urbanism. The scheduled work assessment approach supported by Paris 2024, will follow the canons of methodology, the French State and the largest regional transparency and independence recommended authorities in the Greater Paris area are by the OECD and, wherever possible, harness considering conducting studies as of 2024 public statistics and the best academic talent. to evaluate the impact of the Olympic

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