The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 118 • THE INTERMINISTERIAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE As part of the 2021 security action plan • guaranteeing the proper implementation for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, of administrative measures likely to boost the Interministerial Delegate for the Olympic the sector’s appeal and, if necessary, adapting and Paralympic Games wants to set up regulations to boost efficiency and meet an interministerial executive committee in early the quantitative and qualitative objectives within 2021 to mobilise the private security sector the overall security system; (employer and employee representatives) • encouraging people to complete training courses and the competent administrations in a bid and speeding up the issuance of qualification to create a pool of at least 30,000 security guards certificates and professional ID cards; for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. • helping the organisers of the 2023 Rugby The committee will be responsible for: World Cup and the 2024 Olympic • bringing together all stakeholder expertise and Paralympic Games with their respective and sources of information; strategies to map tasks, volumes, venues and • ensuring a smooth flow of information periods and allocate subsequent contracts; and effective coordination and collaboration • planning mechanisms to sustain jobs and between the relevant administrations (labour, transfer skills beyond the private security national education, internal affairs); sector after the Olympics and Paralympic Games. SOCIAL IMPACT MEASUREMENT To continue setting a benchmark in terms based on conclusive data. of social relations and the environment, while raising awareness of sport’s contribution to the This cooperation aligns with the OECD’s general interest, Paris 2024 has committed to a Recommendation on Global Events and Local rigorous procedure to assess its results and impact. Development, adopted by its Council in May These efforts have been encouraged and 2018, which is the first international framework supported by the IOC from the start as part that aims to assist in the design and of its new Legacy Strategic Approach adopted management of large-scale events in order in December 2017. This approach harnesses to maximise their potential to contribute to job work carried out with the OECD as part of the creation, foster local development and produce agreement undertaken with the IOC in July 2019 long-term benefit for people and the environment. with the aim of strengthening their collaboration These efforts are also in line with the ambitions to promote ethics, integrity and good governance, of the Kazan Action Plan, adopted by UNESCO’s as well as peace and sustainable development Sixth International Conference of Ministers in sport. and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport in July 2017 to link sports The IOC, the OECD and Paris 2024 are therefore policy development to the UN 2030 Agenda developing tools to assess the contribution for Sustainable Development and better of global events to local development and measure sport’s contribution to the UN Sustainable people’s well-being, using thorough analysis Development Goals.

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