The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 102 PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE SPORTING STRUCTURES Sport is more than just major events – with activity, a healthy diet and active mobility – 16.1 million registered members in France through sport – helps improve people’s health and 32 million people in France reporting they and reduce the daily impact people in France take part in sport at least once a month, have on the climate and the environment. day-to-day sport not only represents an impact Paris 2024 therefore seeks to inspire more to be managed but also a tool to change sustainable practices in amateur and professional methods and behaviour and mobilise people sport, particularly through the Terre de Jeux to protect the environment and the climate. 2024 and Paris 2024 Club initiatives. Furthermore, encouraging regular physical PARIS 2024, ALONG WITH THE FRENCH MINISTRY OF SPORT, SUPPORTS PEXE26 TO BRING THE WORLD OF SPORT AND CLEANTECH COMPANIES CLOSER TOGETHER At present, sporting event organisers, sports • lead the network of stakeholders facility managers, sports federations and regions (by creating points of contact and spaces hosting sporting events have no structured for PEXE events) for the environmental and approach to ramping up the integration energy transition to respond to the challenges of solutions. faced by the world of sport; That is why Paris 2024, along with the French • create and promote the directory of innovative Ministry of Sport, supports PEXE’s project solutions for sustainable sport. to unite the world of sport and cleantech companies to: The first results will be revealed in spring 2021. 26. PEXE is the association of cleantech companies in France, comprising 40 networks of around 6,000 SMEs.

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