The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 103 WORKING TO ELIMINATE SINGLE-USE PLASTICS IN AND THROUGH SPORT The production of plastic grew exponentially For Paris 2024, it involves setting an example, from 2.3 million tonnes in 1950 to 162 million by eliminating single-use plastics at its tonnes in 1993, which rose to 448 million headquarters, and encouraging its entire tonnes in 2015. It is estimated that 40% of the 28. ecosystem to eliminate single-use plastics plastic produced is used just once before it is thrown away. Of the 10 tonnes of plastic To do so, Paris 2024 aims to: 27, only produced every second worldwide • contribute to the work initiated by its a very small proportion is recycled – the rest stakeholders, events stakeholders and civil is incinerated, sent to landfill or simply dumped society stakeholders to eliminate single-use outdoors. This explains why 73% of beach litter plastics; worldwide is plastic and there is a vortex • support and pass on solutions and projects of waste three times the size of France floating to eliminate single-use plastics; between Japan and the US. The world of sport has joined efforts to combat this issue. • help change the behaviour of organisers, For instance, the IOC published the Plastic athletes, spectators, site managers and Game Plan for Sport guide to help the sports companies at sporting events, particularly community address plastic pollution. as part of the WWF project it supports. RAISING AWARENESS OF THE IMPORTANCE OF A BALANCED DIET FOR HEALTH AND THE PLANET Choosing what we put on our plate would be and culinary expertise in France to spark a shift a good place to start. We can work towards in eating habits. In collaboration with the entire a more sustainable catering service that takes network of regions, we want to make progress the season, the location and nutritional needs together to bring about more sustainable into consideration. Farming practices are farming practices, while providing food that evolving across France and all over the world, promotes and generates local employment. with fairer pay for producers, restrictions All these commitments will be formalised in the on chemical inputs, agroecological methods Food Vision, which will be published towards and improved breeding conditions. At all stages, the end of 2021 in a bid to: from supply through to waste management, it is our duty to opt for a catering service that limits 1. promote Paris 2024’s commitments its environmental impact and encourages and methods to encourage a shift in catering a shift in practices. In its commitments, practices at sporting events; Paris 2024 no longer wants human health to be 2. help change behaviour by promoting set against the health of the planet. Solutions low-carbon, locally produced food in season are linked to make progress on these two fronts. in accordance with nutritional and health That is why Paris 2024 is committed to providing guidelines; 15 million healthy meals that are kind to the 3. sign up to and collaborate with regional planet. We are keen to combine all the creativity initiatives. 27. National Geographic 28. Novethic

Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 103 Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan Page 102 Page 104