The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 49 RESPONSIBLE GAMES THAT OPEN UP OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVERYONE ENABLING SMALL TO MEDIUM-SIZED BUSINESSES AND LOCAL RESIDENTS TO MAKE THE MOST OF THE ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES CREATED BY MAJOR SPORTING EVENTS, PARTICULARLY THE GAMES The Paris 2024 Games are a large-scale event, work carried out for the Games) will be organising but not one that is reserved for large companies hundreds of public tenders and thousands and people in work. We are looking to draw of employment opportunities in the coming years. on the diversity of talent available in small and We are developing bespoke tools to ensure all medium-sized organisations to enrich our project. these companies – including very small, small Paris 2024 (the organising committee), Solideo and medium-sized businesses and those within (the company tasked with delivering the Olympic the SSE – and everybody – including the long- facilities) and other contracting parties term unemployed – are in a position to tap into (charged with building and delivering facilities, these opportunities. including development and redevelopment HELPING BUSINESSES AND PEOPLE LOOKING FOR A PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITY With this in mind, Paris 2024 developed bespoke • facilitate dialogue between these businesses tools to help all businesses and anybody looking and major groups by organising procurement for a professional opportunity. Rolling out these consortia; tools takes the form of numerous meetings out on • develop people’s employability by helping the ground with all the driving forces of regional them to acquire skills they can use after the economies – local authorities, associations, Games; businesses, etc. – as well as economic • build and share tools and methods that will development stakeholders, public employment agencies and professional integration bodies. remain in place long after the Games; for instance, the Paris 2024 Social Charter – through which Paris 2024 has pledged to In terms of employment and skills protect employee health and safety and development, the Legacy and Sustainability prevent and combat all forms of discrimination strategy aims to: – is now being replicated across Europe; • support and boost very small, small and • inspire organisers of future major international medium-sized businesses and companies from sporting events after the Games. the SSE in France;

Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 49 Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan Page 48 Page 50