The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 54 THE ENTREPRENDRE 2024 PROGRAMME this initiative, Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Épargne branches have pledged to help very small, small and medium-sized regional businesses and companies from the SSE to find out about and access opportunities arising from the Paris 2024 Games. In concrete terms, the programme aims to inform very small, small and medium-sized © – DR GROUPE BPCE businesses and companies from the SSE about the hundreds of calls for tender that Entreprendre 2024 is a programme will be launched between now and 2024 so that developed by the BPCE Group – a premium they can respond to them. The programme partner of the Paris 2024 Olympic and sends out a powerful message to local Paralympic Games – and its brands Banque economies across France, encouraging people Populaire and Caisse d’Épargne. Through to get actively involved in the Games. LA FABRIQUE DES JEUX IS COMMITTED TO LOCAL BUSINESSES To enable stakeholders within the department arising from contracts awarded by the Paris 2024 (local authorities, businesses and associations) Organising Committee for the Olympic to take advantage of opportunities arising and Paralympic Games. The five webinars from the Games, the Seine-Saint-Denis for businesses aimed to present Paris 2024’s departmental council launched the “Fabrique sustainable purchasing strategy and schedule des Jeux en Seine-Saint-Denis” initiative for future contracts, as well as prepare on 2 March 2018 to provide a forum for work, participants to tender for the contracts. interactions and project development. In total, around 15 people responsible In a bid to mobilise organisations from the SSE for organising the Games were involved and very small, small and medium-sized in the workshops over the three days, businesses, La Fabrique des Jeux held providing 450 businesses from Seine-Saint- workshops on 23, 24 and 25 November 2020 Denis with information and tailored support to present the “economic opportunities” to tender for Paris 2024 contracts.

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