The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 51 GAMES THAT ARE SOCIALLY AND FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE In order to ensure that the Games set a benchmark, businesses, local authorities and Paris 2024, Solideo and stakeholders signed representatives for all trade unions. This charter three key documents: was drawn up and first signed at the bidding • the Paris 2024 Social Charter phase with the aim of establishing the social • the charter to promote local employment and commitments that will guide the actions taken by Paris 2024 and Solideo in the build up to the community development Games. The commitments in this charter • an agreement between Paris 2024, the Yunus therefore set a new standard in labour relations Centre, Solideo and Les Canaux for Paris 2024, companies and local authorities, but also Solideo and the 28 other public and Paris 2024 adopted the Paris 2024 Social private contracting parties tasked with Charter on 19 June 2018 with Solideo, preparing and organising the Paris 2024 Games. The commitments set out in the social charter include: • establishing governance and management social partners – an employee union and that ensure the Paris 2024 Games set an employer federation; a benchmark in terms of social relations • supporting sustainable employment and (advisory committee, trade union guaranteeing decent working conditions for all representatives, employee and employer employees working to prepare the Games representatives, etc.). It is a completely (preventing all forms of discrimination, innovative form of governance that involves anticipating companies’ skills needs, etc.); all national social partners in the organisation • helping employees and volunteers organising of the Games. Their role in the Monitoring the Games to develop their skills and secure Committee involves guiding, advising and their career paths; alerting Paris 2024 and Solideo. This method is a legacy in itself as it positions the business • making sport a driver of economic, social world, represented by these social partners, and solidarity development (e.g. ensuring as a leading player in organising the Games. a benchmark conversion of the Olympic Village Paris 2024’s Executive Board includes two and promoting sport at work). As part of the Social Charter, on 5 July 2018 10% of the hours that need to be worked Solideo and Paris 2024 adopted the charter to the long term unemployed, people to promote local employment and community in work-study programmes and residents development for construction projects related of disadvantaged areas; to the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. • pledging to ensure that 25% of revenue from The charter breaks down the Paris 2024 Social Games contracts goes to very small, small and Charter operationally for work on permanent medium-sized businesses and companies from Games facilities. the SSE; • committing to combat illegal labour, anti- Its objectives include: competitive practices and discrimination to • supporting professional integration by allocating ensure good working conditions for its projects.

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