The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 97 • CHAMPIONING THE EMANCIPATION OF WOMEN THROUGH SPORT In response to reduced levels of physical achieve equality and increase female sports activity and sport among teenage girls, Paris 2024 participation by mobilising a number seeks to support sports participation among of stakeholders to support this cause to ensure and the emancipation of women through sport. an enduring legacy throughout France. Paris 2024 aims to help the sporting movement THE EQUALITY LABEL: A TOOL ALSO DESIGNED TO GUARANTEE THE LEGACY LEFT BEHIND BY THE GAMES Harnessing sport to empower girls is one of the challenges raised by the Equality label. In addition to its role in organising an edition of the Games that can be held up as an inspiring example in that respect, the label seeks to shine a spotlight, both nationally and internationally, on the gender equality cause and the fight against discrimination. By supporting increased sports participation among and the emancipation of girls and women through sport, the Equality label strives to guarantee a post- © – Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images Games social legacy all over France. THE “FEMALE LEADERS” PROGRAMME In January 2020, the French National Olympic momentum through various initiatives for and Sports Committee launched and with present and future female leaders the Female Leaders programme to boost as well as male leaders, organising workshops female representation in sports management and conferences throughout the year bodies and celebrate female participation to ensure interactions and networking with in sport. The programme intends to build experts.

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