The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 96 • HELPING ELITE ATHLETES SUCCESSFULLY TRANSITION AT THE END OF THEIR SPORTING CAREER Elite athletes can struggle with professional endeavours and strengthens our resolve to help integration at the end of their career. Many these athletes implement their projects. Paris 2024 of them have spoken to Paris 2024 about therefore wants to enable athletes, should they the difficulties they encountered when pursuing so wish, to create their own job at the end their entrepreneurial project, as well as the lack of their career and take part in a project with of a suitable framework. The current a positive social and environmental impact. unprecedented crisis further complicates their AN INITIATIVE LAUNCHED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES CREATION OF THE PARIS 2024-FRENCH DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (AFD) INCUBATOR Paris 2024, in collaboration with the AFD, intake of 24 athletes supported over provides a unique incubation programme the course of eight months to launch their that, drawing inspiration from the bidding entrepreneurial projects with a social and phase, focuses exclusively on athletes environmental impact – eight in France and who are entrepreneurs. 2021 will see the first 16 in Africa. THE GAMES GENERATION SCHEME TO SUPPORT YOUNG ATHLETES In 2018, the Seine-Saint-Denis departmental sports project in the best possible conditions. council created the “Games Generation” scheme to provide financial support to Under the scheme, athletes can receive promising Seine-Saint-Denis athletes and support for another year provided they still encourage them on their path to the Paris 2024 meet the criteria (i.e. they are aged 15 to 23, Olympic and Paralympic Games. In 2020, feature on the ministerial lists of elite athletes the scheme provided 30 athletes with and are a member of a sports club in Seine- a €3,000 grant to enable them to pursue their Saint-Denis).

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