TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s — 1— 177 INITIATIVES LAUNCHED PILLARS OBJECTIVES SUB-OBJECTIVES OR ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES Anticipate and avoid carbon GUARANTEE emissions 1. Development of a systemic CARBON NEUTRALITY Halve carbon emissions compared method to analyse environmental AND BECOME with editions of the Games in the impact THE FIRST MAJOR 2010s 2. Initial analysis of the SPORTING EVENT environmental challenges TO POSITIVELY and impacts for each venue IMPACT Deliver an additional programme, (except Tahiti) THE CLIMATE creating a positive impact on the climate Unveil the animal and plant species that live at each site 3. A new model: from a carbon footprint forecast to a carbon RECOGNISE, Protect habitats through initiatives budget set well ahead of the Games PROTECT at the venues 4. Integration of the approach into AND REGENERATE operations BIODIVERSITY Regenerate environmentally damaged ecosystems with strong renaturing potential Eco-responsible Anticipate and reduce the use Games of materials related to the Games that harness by making use of existing resources sustainable 5. Decision to make the circular solutions Efficiently manage material use economy the number one and waste during the Games commitment in the responsible SET UP purchasing strategy A CIRCULAR 6. Implementation of the resource ECONOMY Strengthen regional channels management plan 7. Drawing up of the Zero Waste Strategy Apply an eco-design approach to everything that must be produced and ensure products and equipment are given a second life Adapt to climate change BOLSTER Programmes to be developed RESILIENCE Combat air, water and earth pollution, by 2021 as well as all kinds of disruption Promote the development of innovative technological, 8. The special ‘Olympic methodological and societal solutions to contribute and Paralympic Games’ category to achieving the objectives in the fourth i-Nov competition

Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 17 Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan Page 16 Page 18