The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 16 ECO-RESPONSIBLE GAMES THAT HARNESS SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS THE CONVENTIONAL GAMES MODEL WAS NO LONGER FIT FOR PURPOSE We now know that climate change, environmental to mobilise and unite people puts the Games crises and the consequences of these emergencies at the forefront of action to set an inspiring example. are not problems we will have to tackle in the future but rather issues on which we must act today. The conventional Games organisation model As carbon emissions reach record highs, the impact would not have made it possible to achieve of human activity on the climate is already visible. the reductions required to meet France’s climate Pressure on biodiversity, soil contamination, air commitments. That is why Paris 2024 undertook pollution, water pollution and excessive a commitment in line with the objectives of the consumption of resources threaten the fragile IOC’s Olympic Agenda 2020, right from the bidding balance of the planet and humanity. The world phase, not only to organise the first edition of the of sport takes these concerns seriously. As nature Games in line with the Paris Agreement by halving is often their place of work, athletes witness the the event’s greenhouse gas emissions and degradation of our rivers, mountains and oceans guaranteeing carbon neutrality as early as 2021, on a daily basis. Certain sports clubs, an integral but also to deliver an edition of the Games that can part of every community, are exposed to this be held up as an inspiring example in terms of the disruption. However, their incredible power circular economy and biodiversity protection. AMBITIOUS COMMITMENTS TO DELIVER AN EDITION OF THE GAMES THAT CAN BE HELD UP AS AN INSPIRING EXAMPLE In close collaboration with Solideo and stakeholders, of climate, biodiversity, the circular economy Paris 2024 is responsible for delivering socially and and environmental resilience. environmentally responsible Games. The path laid The strategic and operational responses to these out is ambitious, and it is only by working together four considerations translate into commitments that we will be able to achieve our goals. That is undertaken for the various activities related to the why Paris 2024 gets involved with initiatives led by Games: the supply of renewable electricity during host regions, the French National Olympic and the Games, sustainable catering, a zero waste target Sports Committee, the French Paralympic and for the event, a fleet of clean vehicles to transport Sports Committee and the French Ministry of Sport the Olympic and Paralympic family, competition and, in so doing, became one of the first signatories venues spectators can reach using public and to the Charter of 15 eco-responsible commitments environmentally friendly means of transport, drawn up for event organisers by the French the integration of circular economy principles into Ministry of Sport and WWF France. permanent and temporary constructions, and the At the bidding phase, Paris 2024 laid the foundations deployment of sustainable technology. for an ambitious strategy that could be held up as an inspiring example in pursuit of a number A number of catalysts are set out in the plan, of strong commitments, built in collaboration with and the Environmental Excellence team works with a number of stakeholders and impacted into the all Paris 2024 teams and stakeholders across Environmental Excellence strategy approved by the the board to deliver an edition of the Games that Board of Directors in 2019. The strategy addresses can be held up as an inspiring example, in particular four major environmental considerations identified through a responsible purchasing strategy, to deliver an edition of the Games in 2024 that can innovation, training, value creation and be held up as an inspiring example in terms the definition of sustainable client experiences.

Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 16 Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan Page 15 Page 17