4 02 PARIS 2024’S PARIS 2 ADDITIONAL SPORTS SPORT CLIMBING was included in the Olympic programme for the 昀椀rst time at the Tokyo Games, with a single event combining three disciplines, i.e., speed climbing, bouldering and lead climbing. At Paris 2024, at the Bourget venue in Seine-Saint- Denis, the programme will be expanded to include two separate events — speed climbing and a separate lead and boulder event — that will not only be spectacular but will complement each other perfectly. Simon Bruty for OIS/IOC SKATEBOARDING will take a new leap forward a昀琀er the Tokyo Games, with street and park events to be held at the extraordinary urban park at Place de la Concorde. 2014 - Comité International Olympique (CIO) - JONES, Ian SURFING, a truly breath-taking sport with strong links to the natural world, will provide an additional opportunity to promote the French natural heritage and open up the Olympic experience to new territories — this time in Tahiti. In the shortboard event, athletes will surf on one of the world’s most beautiful waves, Teahupo’o. Johanne Defay 2017 sur昀椀ng © s vice world champion e S ean Imag M. ty t H a e 昀昀 /G ey "Teahupo’o is a world-class surf spot, S with the most spectacular wave of the planet; the E M most demanding as well. We athletes could not have A dreamed of a better outcome. I have no doubt that N G the competition will be as intense as it will E be breathtaking. Paris 2024 will highlight P 4 O the environmental and cultural uniqueness of Tahiti, 2 a place surf calls home. All these factors point to 0 S 2 a magni昀椀cent showcase that will promote our sport I R and develop its practice in France ." A © Matthew Stockman / Getty Images P 15
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