4 02 PARIS 21 A STAGE LIKE .2NO OTHER TAKING SPORT OUT OF ITS TRADITIONAL SPACE Some of the most beautiful sites and landmarks that Paris and France have to o昀昀er will provide a magni昀椀cent showcase for the performances of the world’s greatest athletes, bringing sport and the national heritage together in unexpected ways. THE GRAND PALAIS for fencing and taekwondo THE CHAMP-DE-MARS ARENA for judo and wrestling LA CONCORDE for urban sports THE ESPLANADE DES INVALIDES for archery, the end point of the marathon and the start of the cycling time trials. THE EIFFEL TOWER STADIUM for beach volleyball THE CHÂTEAU DE VERSAILLES for equestrian sports and four events in the modern pentathlon Paris 2024 THE EIFFEL TOWER STADIUM THE CHÂTEAU DE VERSAILLES S E M A N G E P 4 O 2 0 S 2 I R A P 11 Paris 2024

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