4 02 ENVIRONMENTALLY PARIS 2 RESPONSIBLE GAMES As the 昀椀rst Olympic and Paralympic Games that will It will identify all the ways in which it can prevent be organised in accordance with the Paris Agreement and mitigate the Games’ footprint throughout on Climate Change, Paris 2024 has been taking steps the organisational cycle. to CALCULATE THE PROJECT’S IMPACT ON Through this INNOVATIVE APPROACH, Paris 2024 THE CLIMATE AND THE ENVIRONMENT. wants to demonstrate a new organisational standard with regards to climate to help transform sports events. GAMES FOSTERING CLIMATE PROTECTION 1.PREVENTION AND REDUCTION Paris 2024 commits to halving the carbon footprint of the Paris 2024 Games, compared to previous editions. 2. OFFSETTING A昀琀er its prevention and reduction measures, 3. Paris 2024 will support carbon o昀昀setting ADDITIONAL initiatives such as carbon capture projects OFFSETTING or schemes that compensate for all To go a step further, carbon emissions linked Paris 2024 will fund an to the Games, including additional o昀昀setting spectators’ international programme in France, travel. These projects S thereby supporting the E will meet top current M emergence and A international standards N G development of climate E and will be run in all 昀椀ve P protection initiatives continents. 4 O that are still in their 2 0 infancy in the country. S 2 I R A P 27 East Road/Ascent Xmedia/Getty Images

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