The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 71 In urban areas Urban areas play an important role in developing to supporting local authorities that wish physical activity in everyday life. to place greater emphasis on physical activity The importance placed on active mobility, and sport in their public policies by leveraging the development of zones peacefully shared active design principles in particular. by pedestrians and vehicles and the design This approach identifies strategies to design of public buildings are tools for local and adapt urban space in order to cultivate authorities seeking to promote healthier and an environment that promotes active lifestyles more active lifestyles. Paris 2024 is committed and daily physical activity. AN INITIATIVE LAUNCHED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES ACTION CARDS TO HIGHLIGHT EXEMPLARY LOCAL INITIATIVES With the assistance of doctors, urban planners, elected representatives and the sporting movement, Paris 2024 is drawing up a list of local best practices for promoting physical activity and sport. Simple, practical action cards approved by health professionals are currently being designed and will be provided to any interested local authorities, with a view to building a dynamic network of committed stakeholders, in collaboration © – Johner Images/Getty Images with existing urban networks. © – Yulkapopkova/Getty Images © – JAG IMAGES/Getty Images

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