The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 36 GAMES THAT IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR PEOPLE LIVING IN HOST REGIONS ENHANCING REGIONAL APPEAL THROUGH COMMITMENTS UNDERTAKEN BY SOLIDEO ABOUT SOLIDEO Solideo is a French public establishment of an also supervising the 29 contracting parties industrial and commercial nature (known as an (Paris and Marseille city councils, the Greater “EPIC”). It is tasked with supervising the Paris Metropolitan Area, the Seine-Saint-Denis delivery of the Olympic facilities, including the departmental council, the Greater Paris development and redevelopment work carried regional authorities, etc.) responsible for out on urban spaces and sports facilities for the delivering the Olympic and Paralympic 7 Paris 2024 Games. Solideo is the contracting structures under their authority according to party for a number of standout development the deadline, environmental ambitions, budget projects – such as the Olympic and Paralympic and programme agreed with Solideo as part of 8. Village mixed development zone, the media its framework cluster mixed development zone and various Solideo is therefore responsible for delivering public infrastructure and facilities – and lasting structures (sports and urban infrastructure, supervises the contracting parties for a number development projects, etc.) – unlike Paris 2024, of projects. The Solideo structures are designed whose prerogatives regarding infrastructure are to be transformed into public amenities, limited to delivering temporary facilities and housing units and offices from 2025. Solideo is ensuring their post-Games legacy. SOLIDEO’S THREE AIMS ARE: • Financing: Solideo assembles all public underlying environmental ambitions. funds to finance investment in permanent • Developing: Solideo is the contracting Olympic and Paralympic structures. party for the Olympic and Paralympic • Supervising: Solideo helps contracting Village mixed development zone, parties in order to guarantee that projects the media cluster mixed development are delivered in line with the programme, zone and various public infrastructure budgets and deadlines, as well as the and facilities. 7. The “structures” refer to all construction and renovation work involving competition venues, training centres, infrastructure and development projects. 8. The 62 Olympic and Paralympic projects and 29 contracting parties:

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