The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 114 PARIS 2024’S PARTNER MARKETING COMPANIES AT THE HEART OF THE LEGACY THE GAMES WILL LEAVE BEHIND Paris 2024’s partner marketing companies in projects managed and led by Paris 2024. help carry out and expand Paris 2024’s legacy Furthermore, our partner marketing and sustainability programmes. They are companies collectively construct their own involved in projects right from the beginning programmes in line with Paris 2024’s vision. to devise participation and engagement For instance, Entreprendre 2024 is a programme opportunities for their own ecosystem. developed by BPCE, a Premium partner To that end, the programmes can be adapted of Paris 2024, which aims to improve access to integrate activations in companies (e.g. job to economic and social opportunities related dating sessions focusing on a particular to the organisation of the Paris 2024 Olympic structure). Furthermore, our partner marketing and Paralympic Games. Entreprendre 2024 companies can expand the programmes is in keeping with the momentum generated by using the communication kits provided by Paris 2024, MEDEF and Les Canaux with to them. They can thereby get fully involved the Entreprises 2024 and SSE 2024 programmes. © – DR GROUPEBPCE

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