The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 23 BOLSTERING ENVIRONMENTAL RESILIENCE THE RESILIENCE OF THE GAMES: GUARANTEEING PARTICIPANT COMFORT AND HEALTH Resilience refers to the ability to anticipate, National Institute of Health and Medical recover and resume normal operations after Research (INSERM), amateur athletes engaging disruption by preparing for, preventing in low-intensity exercise can breathe in six and managing risks – particularly of natural times more air and particle pollution than or man-made disasters such as air or water when resting5, whereas elite athletes engaging pollution episodes, heatwaves, flooding, in high-intensity exercise can breathe in 12 times terrorist attacks, cyberattacks, and electricity more air. Water pollution, particularly in the river or IT failures. Seine, is also a major issue for the Games due Adverse situations may be linked to climate to the organisation of events in open-water change. Heatwaves, increased precipitation environments. The risk of the Seine becoming leading to flooding, as well as more frequent contaminated by overflow in the event of heavy and intense natural disasters are risks faced rainfall must also be managed. by France and therefore the host venues of the Therefore, Paris 2024 believes that resilience Paris 2024 Games. Adapting to climate change is a theme vital to the delivery of the event that is a serious challenge and therefore forms part could create value, progress and innovation of the Paris Agreement, as do reducing for partner marketing companies and regions. emissions and achieving carbon neutrality. It is an international (IOC, IPCC and UNDRR), national (the French State through its National Air pollution is another risk that, although not Plan for Climate Change Adaptation and its directly linked to climate change, often shares strategy to prevent major risks and protect civil some of the same causes – such as burning security, as well as the French Agency for the hydrocarbons – and can be linked – heatwaves Ecological Transition) and local (the Greater and sunshine can lead to ozone pollution Paris region, Paris City Council and Seine-Saint- episodes and increase the health risks to people, Denis) theme deemed important by both Paris particularly athletes. According to the French 2024 and Solideo. PARIS 2024’S UNIQUE RESILIENCE STRATEGY Paris 2024 set its resilience goal based on two and organisers, as well as the functionality scopes: the risks taken into account and the of permanent and temporary facilities alike. targets that fall within its remit. The role of the Environmental Excellence • The risks taken into account by Paris 2024 department is therefore to improve people’s include the consequences of climate understanding and support the departments disruption, air/water/soil pollution, as well responsible for delivery, such as the Sports as noise and odour nuisance. department regarding the impact of the weather on athletes or the Venues and Infrastructure • The targets that fall within Paris 2024’s remit department (VNI) regarding the solutions to be include the health of the athletes, spectators rolled out at the venues. 5. Fitch 2016

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