The LPlaen Hgaécry aitange ed Sut Dstuarinaabbiliitlié dty pels Jan feuox Or thle Pymapriiqs 2ue0s 2 4 Oet Plymapraic alymnpd Piquaeras dlyme Ppaic Gris 2a0m2e4 s — 4— 400 network. With a centre opening on to the The neighbourhood will also feature new Seine, it will be linked to Île-Saint-Denis public facilities: two school complexes by a new walkway, reaffirming the area’s (pre schools and primary), two crèches, connection to both sides of the river. a renovated high school, new sports facilities, as well as seven hectares of green space. Once the Games are over, the athletes’ accommodation will be transformed into Energy efficient, carbon neutral and protective a dynamic mixed-use neighbourhood that of biodiversity, the Athletes’ Village will is open to all. The Village will then be home embody 21st century urbanism. It has also to both families and students (with 25%-40% been designed in collaboration with local social housing, depending on the town), stakeholders to encourage a sense offering economic activity as well as new of community and develop inclusivity, taking premises for shops and services on the the diverse needs of everyone into account – ground floor of the buildings. particularly people with disabilities. © – SOLIDEO / Nexity_Eiffage Immobilier_CDC Habitat_EDF_Groupama - Tous droits réservés

Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 40 Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan Page 39 Page 41