The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 26 GAMES THAT BOOST REGIONAL GROWTH AND APPEAL AND IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR LOCAL PEOPLE HARNESSING THE GAMES TO ACCELERATE URBAN AND ECONOMIC APPEAL AND FAST-TRACK INCREASING THE RANGE OF SPORTS ON OFFER AS PART OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REDUCTION APPROACH Forming a key part of the IOC’s Olympic Agenda In terms of sport, the construction of the Olympic 2020, environmental impact reduction is at Aquatics Centre, the renovation of around 20 pools the heart of the concept for the Paris 2024 Games. in Seine Saint Denis, as well as the renovation A limited number of facilities will be built of the Georges Vallerey swimming pool built for specifically for the Games – most of the the 1924 Olympic Games (which complements infrastructure will consist of renovated facilities the host city’s “Swim in Paris” plan) meet a specific or new facilities in the pipeline for a long time. need of local residents in two areas with a serious Holding the Games provides an opportunity lack of sports infrastructure, particularly aquatics to fast-track these projects, which will continue t facilities: o benefit the regions after the Games by boosting development and improving the quality of life for local people. • There is a lack of sports facilities in Seine-Saint- Paris 2024 opted to place Seine-Saint-Denis – just Denis and Paris, particularly swimming pools. north of Paris – and the north-east districts of the • In the Seine-Saint-Denis area, there are only 35 capital – the 18th, 19th and 20th arrondissements swimming facilities including 61 swimming – at the heart of the Games to guide the areas’ pools for a population of 1.6 million, i.e. 0.53 transformation, showcase their energy, diversity swimming pools per 100,000 people compared and talents, and serve local residents. With two with the national average of 0.94, while Paris villages, multiple competition venues and training has just 0.36 swimming pools per 100,000 centres, one site for celebration and major people. redevelopment, Seine Saint Denis and north-east • One in two children aged 11 in Seine-Saint- Paris will be central to the Paris 2024 Games (see Denis cannot swim, while in Paris the rate of map of venues). those who know how to swim ranges from 58% 6 Seine-Saint-Denis and north-east Paris have to 93% depending on the arrondissement. exceptional strengths – such as their young • Only two pools have been built in Seine-Saint- people, economic vitality and diversity – but also Denis in the past 10 years. many urban, social and economic divides. The Games, the headquarters of the organising The Games, particularly through the role committee, the Olympic and Paralympic events, of Solideo outlined below, can accelerate as well as a host of pre- and post-Games initiatives the development of host regions and contribute will provide a unique opportunity to showcase to increasing the range of sports on offer, everything these areas have to offer and improve for instance by renovating or building sports their image and appeal over the long term. facilities. 6. A department north-east of Paris. For more information, see the maps of the venues below.

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