The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 79 SUPPORTING AND CELEBRATING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORT AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE AND THE ROLE OF SPORT IN EDUCATION Right from the bidding stage, the Paris 2024 pre-school to post-grad: support and develop Legacy strategy sought to design and implement physical activity and boost participation in sport a youth programme, in collaboration with all among young people stakeholders concerned. The intention is for the 2. Champion sport to channel a love of learning initiatives to continue to run well beyond 2024. and foster community spirit: encourage the use The Generation 2024 programme is structured of sport in education, in particular among around three objectives: children struggling at school, as a vector for academic achievement and promote the values 1. Encourage children to become more of sport, Olympism and Paralympism physically active and involved in sport, from 3. Use sport to drive engagement and citizenship AMBITIONS AND INITIATIVES Young people are the primary focus of the day in, day out to achieve these objectives Paris 2024 Legacy and Sustainability strategy, (including the educational community, school through two major ambitions: sports federations and others involved 1. Promote physical activity and sporting in the sporting movement, as well as local engagement among young people and those authorities). One of the keys to success lies around them in cooperating with all areas of the National 2. Support and champion the role of sport, Education system, school and university sports physical activity and PE in helping children federations and coordination with the sporting thrive, instilling a love of learning, community movement. The areas that have been awarded spirit and civic engagement the “Terre de Jeux 2024” label are another important ally in our efforts to strengthen To achieve these ambitions, Paris 2024 is the position of physical activity in the day-to-day working alongside all stakeholders who work lives of children.

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