The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 38 HARNESSING THE GAMES TO ACCELERATE URBAN TRANSFORMATION Through public investment benefiting regions, In its bid, Paris 2024 pledged to deliver particularly Seine-Saint-Denis and its inhabitants spectacular and sustainable Games in the very (in terms of facilities, housing, transport, heart of the capital and Seine Saint-Denis – 9 economic development and employment), a promise that is now becoming a reality . the Paris 2024 Games will leave a lasting local legacy. This urban transformation will include Approved by the Board of Directors on the construction of the Athletes’ Village and the 17 December 2020, the proposed concept was Media Cluster as well as new infrastructure, such developed in collaboration with local and as the installation of four underground 225,000 regional authorities, international Olympic and volt electricity lines in the towns of Saint-Denis, Paralympic sports federations, the IOC and Île-Saint-Denis and Villeneuve la Garenne, the IPC. Holding Olympic and Paralympic events the construction of a noise barrier to the south in the same competition venues was a priority, of the A86 motorway and the redevelopment as was cutting back on the number of temporary of Canal Saint-Denis. venues in favour of existing facilities. • Olympic and Paralympic concepts • Impact reduction for a breathtaking that align: event: Although there will be a two-week gap Paris 2024 has organised the event between the two events, they will follow to make full use of each venue on the exact same principles. As soon as it competition days to keep costs down and was feasible to do so, it was decided that maximise investment. Paris 2024’s the Paralympic events would be held at unique Olympic and Paralympic concept the same venues as the Olympic events. combines responsible impact reduction This will be the case for 15 out of 24 with staging against a backdrop of Paris’ sports, including table tennis, swimming, most recognisable sights to deliver an judo and taekwondo. exceptional sporting and cultural event. By using existing facilities, Paris 2024 will minimise its investment budget and carbon footprint to ensure a concept with a strong focus on responsibility. By leaving an enduring legacy, the Games of the people that live in it. Plans include concept and venues selected by Paris 2024 will construction and renovation work, as well as a new help transform the region and the daily lives permanent climbing facility in Seine-Saint-Denis. 9.

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