TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s —— 62 62 INITIATIVES ACCELERATED TO GUARANTEE THE ACCESSIBILITY OF THE GAMES • All venues will be accessible via public • Holding Olympic and Paralympic events in transport, which is overseen by Île-de- the same venues as part of the new Games France Mobilités in the Greater Paris region, concept: Île-de-France Mobilités and its in the form of buses, metro and RER lines, partners are conducting work on the public trams and light vehicles such as vans and transport network for people with reduced minibuses, and at least one of these means mobility in order to develop solutions of transport will be accessible to people – some of which will be in addition to the with disabilities. Paris 2024 is working existing network – so that all spectators with in collaboration with local authorities to make disabilities can easily access competition Games venues accessible. venues. Improving accessibility in a dozen • The “last mile” will be a particular focus stations serving Olympic venues formed part with accessible routes, effective universal of Paris 2024’s bid. signage and specific means of transport all • Accessible training venues: The Prefecture put in place. for Greater Paris commissioned an accessibility • Adapting sports venues will create study on route continuity between stations a high-quality experience for everyone; and Olympic venues. The assessment-based for example, positioning wheelchair users study is nearing completion. A development appropriately will improve visibility and guide will be provided to the relevant local using audio description will give greater authorities to help them carry out work clarity. to resolve accessibility issues.

Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 62 Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan Page 61 Page 63