The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 111 A COLLECTIVELY CONSTRUCTED STRATEGY TO DELIVER AN EDITION OF THE GAMES THAT CAN BE HELD UP AS AN INSPIRING EXAMPLE AND BUILD A LEGACY FOR THE GAMES A JOINTLY LED LEGACY AND SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY INVOLVING ALL OF PARIS 2024’S DEPARTMENTS The legacy and sustainability strategy is led as soon as they are set up and must begin and collectively constructed by the Impact to think about the methods and tools and Legacy department and the they could leave behind as a legacy once Environmental Excellence department. Paris 2024 is disbanded. Through the joint implementation of tools Paris 2024 seeks to design and deliver sustainable such as the responsible purchasing strategy and inclusive Olympic and Paralympic Games and the sustainable management system, the that set an example, as well as maximise their two departments ensure that all Paris 2024 positive impact and legacy. To do so, departments integrate the strategy into their it has put transversal tools in place so that all respective activities. Furthermore, divisions Committee departments can contribute are made aware of sustainability challenges to achieving these objectives. AREAS COVERED BY THE ENDOWMENT FUND In line with the objectives of the IOC’s Olympic social progress and fair economic development Agenda 2020 and the UN Sustainable practices. The entire strategy was designed Development Goals, Paris 2024 sets out so that the positive impact of Paris 2024’s to make the Games a sustainability benchmark purchases would be visible immediately and and implement the most advanced social live on long after the Games draw to a close. and environmental innovation practices. As the Games essentially boil down to a temporary Paris 2024’s responsible purchasing strategy event, it is crucial that we reflect our ambition is built around three fundamental principles: in the purchasing strategy. 1. Consideration of the post-Games period That is why Paris 2024 decided to formalise, 2. An inclusive inventory accessible to everyone through this strategy, a comprehensive and responsible purchasing approach. This strategy 3. The strategy’s multiplier effect as a result aims to move from managing risks to encouraging of the commitment shown by everyone involved the most virtuous environmental protection, in Paris 2024

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