The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 45 • YVES-DU-MANOIR STADIUM Owned by the Hauts-de-Seine department the two north and south corners and the Loury since 2002, the Yves-du-Manoir stadium sports hall. in Colombes, north-west of Paris, is a legendary To create a post-Games legacy for field hockey, venue in the French sporting world. Football, the French Field Hockey Federation will rugby and athletics have contributed to the relocate to the Yves du Manoir stadium, which enduring success of this stadium, which hosted will become home to the federation’s th century. over 200 international matches in the 20 headquarters and national training centre – Having found a new lease of life under including two field hockey pitches, a stand, the leadership of the Hauts-de-Seine department, dressing rooms, offices and premises. the Yves-du-Manoir stadium hosts a number The stadium will also be able to host national of sporting and school events, as well matches and international field hockey competitions. 11 played by Racing 92’s young teams . One hundred years after it was the main venue Alongside the stadium redevelopment plans, for the 1924 Games, the Yves-du-Manoir Colombes City Council is carrying out a major departmental stadium will be the field hockey project to build “Arc sportif” – a new 16.2 ha training and competition venue for the Paris neighbourhood north-east of Colombes along 2024 Olympic Games. the A86 motorway, just next to the Yves du Manoir stadium – on the abandoned site formerly used Two ‘Legacy’ projects will be carried out by Thalès. The project aims to rejuvenate at the site, under the management the urban and economic fabric of the city of the Hauts-de-Seine departmental council: by building a new neighbourhood centred around 12. 1. A public global performance contract for sports the grounds and buildings in the hockey legacy area: the work and redevelopment needed for the long-term installation of the French Field The top sports competitions hosted Hockey Federation. In addition, the Hauts-de- in the stadium: Seine departmental council is taking advantage of this opportunity to supplement the ‘Legacy’ • The 1924 Olympic Games project with a programme to enhance • The 1938 Football World Cup final and redevelop the entire site in order • 42 French Cup finals between 1924 to improve the range of services available and 1971 to users. 2. A bill under the MOP (Maîtrise d’Ouvrage • 79 French football team matches Publique) law for the demolition and restoration • Racing 92 matches (Pro D2, Top14, of the VIP box: a project to bring the VIP box up to the European Champions Cup) standard and renovate the interior, demolishing 11. (available in French only) 12. yves-du-manoir-a-colombes (available in French only)

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