The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 94 • HARNESSING THE GAMES TO CHANGE THE WAY PEOPLE THINK ABOUT DISABILITY AND PROMOTE SPORT The Paralympic Games are the ultimate at the Grand Palais and the Champ de Mars. sporting event for athletes with disabilities. Paris 2024 also decided to bring together the Paris 2024 has high ambitions for this competition, Olympic and Paralympic Games with a shared as demonstrated for instance by its decision emblem for the first time ever. Furthermore, to use the same emblem for both the Olympic by launching an initiative to add Paralympic and Paralympic Games. sports to the emoji dictionary, Paris 2024 The whole world will be watching France during is taking action to foster a more inclusive the Games, which provide a unique representation of sport and raise the profile opportunity to catalyse efforts and accelerate of the Paralympic Games throughout the world. projects. Paralympic athletes’ performances For instance, the Greater Paris regional will therefore provide a unique opportunity authorities are pursuing an ambitious sports to shine a spotlight on the skills of people with policy to increase the range of sports on offer disabilities and demonstrate their employability. for everybody across the region and thereby That is why Paris 2024 is part of an ecosystem improve access to sport, focusing on women, where everyone works on a daily basis at their people with disabilities and young people level to improve life in our society for people in particular. For example, agreements are with disabilities. The ecosystem includes in place to help sports federations, leagues and the French State, local and regional authorities, committees buy special disability-friendly the sporting movement, the healthcare sector, equipment to meet the needs of over 250 clubs the disability sector, the sheltered and adapted across the Greater Paris region that provide employment sector, as well as Olympic and a range of activities for people with disabilities. Paralympic athletes. Accessibility is another important marker Powerful symbols and a high level of visibility for the Greater Paris regional authorities, are needed to change the way people think determining the funding provided to local about disability. Paris 2024 has chosen to hold authorities in a bid to encourage them to Olympic and Paralympic events in the same implement a sports policy focusing on people venues right in the heart of the capital, including with disabilities.

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