The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 84 DEVELOPMENT OF THE CARTE PASSERELLE TO ENCOURAGE YOUNG PEOPLE TO TRY DIFFERENT SPORTS The French National Olympic and Sports Committee has developed the Carte Passerelle, which allows all school children that are members of USEP or UGSEL and aged between 9 and 11 to try new sports free of charge within a network of participating sports clubs. Between the start of the school year in September and the October half term, the children will be able to take advantage of three taster sessions in a sports club before being asked to pay © – CNOSF/KMPS the membership fee to the federation. • CHAMPIONING SPORT TO CHANNEL A LOVE OF LEARNING AND FOSTER COMMUNITY SPIRIT Physical activity, sport, Olympism and • running the Generation 2024 community; Paralympism are wonderful educational tools • helping teachers make the most of educational for young people’s school years, not only resources; benefiting their health but also helping them • highlighting and supporting projects that use learn academic subjects and civic values. The Generation 2024 programme seeks to raise sport to encourage children to stay in awareness of and promote educational tools, education. methods and resources. • The Generation 2024 programme seeks to encourage initiatives that enable people to Paris 2024 wants to encourage initiatives that take part in sports and learn about Olympic combine sport and its values with learning all and Paralympic disciplines in order to: academic subjects throughout children’s school • promote Olympic and Paralympic sports and years and is therefore committed to: values, in connection with the values of the • identifying and bringing together an extensive French Republic and community engagement; library of educational resources related • introduce people to the Games and its values to sport, sports participation, Olympism, Paralympism and all academic subjects; to foster greater community spirit. • creating additional educational resources Friendship, excellence and respect are the three to support teachers of all subjects by providing core Olympic values, whereas equality, courage, them with tools to cover all aspects of the determination and inspiration are those of the Games (e.g. the 1936 Olympic Games to study Paralympic movement. They are promoted propaganda, Usain Bolt’s performances by the International Olympic and Paralympic to calculate speed, and the forces that act on Committees and form the foundation for the a gymnast on a trampoline in physics class); Generation 2024 programme.

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