TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s — 1— 10000 HARNESSING SPORT TO ACCELERATE THE ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSFORMATION THROUGH PARIS 2024 In the long term, Paris 2024 seeks to leave societies. Paris 2024 wants to accelerate a shift a strong and enduring legacy in terms of how in mindsets and behaviour to encourage major sporting events are designed and prepared the development of sustainable practices for, as well as how sports are played within our in amateur and professional sport. PILLARS OBJECTIVES INITIATIVES LAUNCHED OR ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES ACCELERATE THE 1. Supporting the WWF France programme to accelerate the transformation TRANSFORMATION of sporting events OF SPORTING 2. Sharing Paris 2024 tools and methods with sports stakeholders EVENTS PROMOTE 3. Supporting PEXE’s ‘Bringing the world of sport and cleantech companies SUSTAINABLE closer together’ programme SPORTING 4. Contributing to the shift in mentalities and behaviour in a bid to establish STRUCTURES sustainable practices in amateur and professional sport, particularly through the Paris 2024 Club (will be rolled out and explained in detail later) 5. Contributing to the work initiated by our stakeholders, events WORK TO ELIMINATE stakeholders and civil society stakeholders to eliminate single-use plastics SINGLE-USE (will be rolled out and explained in detail later) PLASTICS 6. Supporting and passing on solutions and projects to eliminate single-use IN AND THROUGH plastics (will be rolled out and explained in detail later) SPORT 7. Helping change the behaviour of organisers, athletes, spectators, partner Sport to drive marketing companies, site managers, etc. at sporting events (WWF) the environmental transformation RAISE AWARENESS 8. Promoting Paris 2024’s commitments and methods to encourage a shift OF THE in catering practices at sporting events (will be rolled out and explained IMPORTANCE in detail later) OF A BALANCED 9. Helping change behaviour by promoting low carbon, locally produced DIET FOR HEALTH food in season in accordance with nutritional and health guidelines (will be AND THE PLANET rolled out and explained in detail later) 10. Supporting and developing the United Nations Framework Convention HARNESS SPORT on Climate Change (UNFCC) Sports for Climate Action initiative TO COMBAT 11. Strengthening the role of sport in advocacy of sustainable development, CLIMATE CHANGE particularly as part of the convention between Paris 2024 and the AFD (will be rolled out and explained in detail later) HARNESS SPORT 12. Helping promote respect for biodiversity in professional and amateur TO PROTECT sport (will be rolled out and explained in detail later) BIODIVERSITY 13. Harnessing sport, particularly outdoor sports, to mobilise people to protect and regenerate biodiversity (will be rolled out and explained in detail later)

Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 100 Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan Page 99 Page 101