The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 89 AN INITIATIVE LAUNCHED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES THE GENERATION 2024 CIVIC SERVICE PROGRAMME TO MOBILISE 10,000 YOUNG PEOPLE Paris 2024 is going to offer young people new National Olympic and Sports Committee plan forms of civic engagement, including through to offer 10,000 young people Generation 2024 the civic service programme. Civic service civic service assignments as part of the French involves making a voluntary commitment State’s legacy plan, giving priority to: to carry out an assignment of general interest • Generation 2024 schools to activate their in one of France’s nine priority areas, such label, organise projects over the Olympic as sport, for six to 12 months. Volunteers and Paralympic Week, take part in Olympic commit to at least 24 hours per week, receiving Day, etc.; an allowance from the French State and additional support – either in kind or monetary • Terre de Jeux 2024 cities to activate their – from the host structure. label and organise projects to promote The goal of civic service is to give young people physical activity and sport in their region; aged between 16 and 25 a framework • Terre de Jeux 2024 departments to activate for engagement that enables them to become their label and organise projects to promote more self-confident, develop their skill sets and physical activity and sport in their region, take the time to think about their future particularly for people living with disabilities; personal and professional lives. • sports clubs and associations to support From 2019 to 2020, Paris 2024, the French Civic innovative projects, apply for Impact 2024, Service Agency and the French National reach out to schools, etc. Olympic and Sports Committee conducted These assignments will help build a conclusive experiment in six Regional Olympic a Generation 2024 community of young people and Sports Committees and Departmental that want to get involved and potentially Olympic and Sports Committees in order become voluntary managers in sports clubs. to trial a project to improve access to sport. Paris 2024 also called upon UFOLEP (the French Union of Secular Physical Education) – supported by USEP (the Sports Education Union for Primary Education) and the Ligue de l’enseignement (a French federation for secular education) – to deploy 100 young civic service volunteers in urban and rural priority neighbourhoods to improve access to sport, introduce people to the new sports on the Paris 2024 Games programme and organise a sports event in their region on Olympic Day. Following these trials, Paris 2024, the French © – svetikd/Getty Images National Civic Service Agency and the French

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