The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 21 THREE MAIN AMBITIONS TO PROTECT BIODIVERSITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 1. Unveil the animal and plant species that live as well as heritage. at each site. Often when we think about 3. Regenerate ecosystems with deteriorated “biodiversity”, we think about the extraordinary, environmental quality and strong renaturing coupled with a sense of urgency – in other potential. This corpus of actions will focus on words, endangered species. However, the challenge of biodiversity, complementary biodiversity involves all common species to the carbon strategy also developed. that are not protected but are declining, such as tits, common toads and foxes, It therefore involves more than merely reducing and also need to be given careful or offsetting the environmental impacts consideration. It is this “ordinary” biodiversity of competition venues. Paris 2024 wants to make that Paris 2024 wants to highlight, showcase people aware of what biodiversity represents and bring to the fore during the Games. as a whole. As well as reducing environmental 2. Protect habitats through on-site initiatives impacts, the organisation of these Games must focusing on impact reduction, maximal reuse spearhead clear and comprehensive civic and sobriety, protection of users and scenery, information and environmental regeneration. SETTING UP A CIRCULAR ECONOMY 4 According to the Circularity Gap Report 2020 , cycled back into it after use. This resource the global economy consumes 100 billion consumption model is not sustainable in the tonnes of materials every year. Having long term and the overall risks – including increased tenfold in just a century, a sharp rise in the price of raw materials, this consumption relies primarily on the supply chain risk, the availability of critical extraction of non-renewable resources. materials for economies, as well as social, Only 8.6% of the minerals, fossil fuels, metals environmental and climate crises – must be and biomass that enter the economy are taken into account. SIMPLE AND EFFICIENT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IS A PRIORITY Against a backdrop of growing tension over That is why Paris 2024 will strive to: anticipate resource management, Paris 2024 believes that and reduce its use of materials related to the sobriety is part of setting an example and being Games by making use of existing resources; acceptable. Adopting simple and efficient design everything that must be produced in an resource management is therefore a priority. environmentally friendly way and give products Furthermore, the ripple effect of the Olympic and equipment a second life; efficiently and Paralympic Games must be used to structure manage material use and waste during the and consolidate virtuous circular supply chains, Games; and strengthen regional channels. which create value across the country. 4.

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