4 02 DRIVING PARIS 2 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING THE PARIS 2024 SOCIAL CHARTER Paris 2024 is committed to A CATALOGUE OF JOBS 2024 JOBS organising an economically and FOR THE GAMES socially responsible event. This commitment is embodied in the More than five years before the In order to enable as first ever social charter in Olympic start of the Games, Paris 2024 also many people as Games history, which invites all drew up a catalogue of the jobs possible to apply for French social partners to sign up that will be created in relation to these jobs, a virtual to 16 key principles. The primary the organisation of the Games, in agency called Emplois aim is to promote the integration order to: 2024 was launched in of vulnerable groups normally late 2021 at the excluded from the workplace and IDENTIFY THE NUMBER AND initiative of the French people with disabilities. TYPE OF JOBS required to prepare and organise the Games public employment between 2019 and 2024. service, Pôle Emploi. PREPARE, in conjunction with This online platform will public stakeholders, TRAINING inform jobseekers PROGRAMMES FOR THE ROLES about the roles and required to organise the Games. training courses PREPARE JOBSEEKERS available to them. It will for the employment and training also be shared with opportunities identified. other international sports events held in France for continued use after the Games. ©Benjamin Boccas 150 000 will be employed in organising the Games, between 2019 and 2024 NISA URIS RUC S A T M T T E G IO O NS I M R N T O O A O C N N G E P 78.000 60.000 12.000 4 O 2 0 jobs jobs jobs S 2 I R A P 32

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