4 02 PARIS 2 1 THE FACE OF THE PARIS .52024 GAME A MEETING BETWEEN THREE SIMPLE, YET POWERFUL SYMBOLS AN EMBLEM SHARED BY THE A FACE THAT REFLECTS OUR OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC GAMES AMBITION TO BRING THE GAMES TO THE PEOPLE For the first time in history, the Olympic and Paralympic Games will share the same emblem. This emblem represents Paris 2024’s desire This important decision sends out a clear to organise more open Games, in which everyone message: that Paris 2024 has the same vision can play a part, and where spectators are also and the same ambition for both the Olympic participants. and Paralympic Games. S E M A N G E P ©© M Micichhaaeell Do Doddggee//GGeettytty I Imamaggeess ©© T Toom Shm Shaaww//GGeettytty I Imamaggeess ©© I Isseeultult Y YZZ D Diigagann 4 O Marianne l’engagée © Yseult YZ Digan, La Poste, ADAGP, Paris 2021 2 0 THE GOLD MEDAL THE FLAME MARIANNE S 2 I Symbol Symbol In tribute to French spirit, R A P of excelling oneself of transmission boldness and creativity 17

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