4 THE PARTNERS, 02 VITAL TO THE SUCCESS PARIS 2 OF THE GAMES The partners, whether The partners also share Finally, the partners are TRUE worldwide (members of the IOC’s THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND AMBASSADORS FOR THE PARIS TOP programme) or national EXPERTISE, HELPING TO MAKE 2024 VISION, using their ecosystems (premium, official or supporters), THE GAMES RESPONSIBLE AND to spread the word (among their will play a vital role in the SUSTAINABLE. The implementation employees, customers, suppliers, etc.) organisation and success of the of concrete solutions within Pulse, the and participating fully in our heritage Paris 2024 Games. headquarters of the Organising programmes. They help promote Committee, illustrates this sporting activities through Olympic contribution. For example, EDF is Day, and sport in schools with the Beyond their financial contribution, supplying 100% renewable energy, Olympic and Paralympic Week. Allianz, they provide PRODUCTS AND produced in France, while Coca-Cola Toyota and Groupe BPCE have shown SERVICES NEEDED FOR THE has provided water and soda particularly strong commitment to ORGANISATION OF THE GAMES, fountains. This is the first stage in the these two annual events. They also and operational support during the rollout of these solutions across all encourage the Olympic and event. Ten of the partners (Atos, competition venues, helping achieve Paralympic athletes whom they Alibaba, Intel, Omega, Panasonic, our goal of sustainable Games, with a sponsor – nearly 300 athletes in total Samsung, Visa, Orange, Cisco and DXC minimal carbon footprint and zero – to engage with the general public. Technology) are already actively single-use plastic. For example, FDJ, Bridgestone and working with Paris 2024 on designing EDF were among the foremost players technological systems and operations. during the Tokyo Games live stream, helping to share the powerful emotions stirred up by sport with as many people as possible. Finally, our partner Orange, which is sponsoring the public marathon, is helping us realise an unprecedented vision: opening up an Olympic event to public participation for the first time in history. WORLDWIDE TOP Partners Premium TIER 1 Partners FRANCE Official TIER 2 S 2019-2024 Partners E M A N G E P 4 O Official 2 TIER 3 0 Supporters S 2 I R A P 26

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