4 PULSE, 02 THE ORGANISING COMMITTEE’S HEADQUARTER PARIS 2 DES JEUX OLYMPIQUES ET PARALYMPIQUES DE PARIS 2024 An energy efficient building, Pulse has served as the HQ of the Paris 2024 Organising Committee since January 2021. Until 2024, Paris 2024 will be striving to reduce the environmental impact of the operations and services required to safeguard its staff’s well-being. CIRCULAR CARBON ECONOMY REDUCTION Zero food waste: Low-carbon building: optimised ordering and storage systems, the building’s collection and structure consists methanisation of 6.000 m3 of organic waste, of a mixture of distribution of food wood and concrete parcels to charities. materials; Zero single- 12,000 litres of use plastic: no rainwater can be disposable tableware collected. or plastic bottles. Low-carbon, plant- Eco-responsible based food in the company canteen. furniture: Gentle mobility ecologically for employees: designed furniture 375-space bicycle and solutions for the garage, more than reuse, repurposing or donation of furniture eul 30 charging points after the Games. and ten public y Courmac transport lines around the building. © Thierr 100% renewable French energy: 300 m2 of solar panels on the roof, INCLUSION LOCAL 100% renewable COMMITMENT energy (biogas and Building fully accessible to people with green electricity reduced mobility and training for canteen staff 1/3 of service from a French on how to assist them. providers from wind farm under Seine- Saint-Denis a direct contract) Inclusive recruitment for service providers: S 25% of technical maintenance staff are disabled. for hospitality, and contribution to E M 60% of service providers involved in the maintenance and biogas generation A N G building’s operations are from the Social catering contracts, etc. from organic waste. E P and Solidarity Economy and two thirds of Comp any canteen Full offsetting 4 O employees are participating in occupational serves 20% 2 of carbon emissions 0 integration schemes. local produce, S 2 linked to the I sourced within a R A building’s operations. P 200km radius. 30

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